Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Sunday!!!

Hey guys, 

Welcome to our very own blog! This is our first post and it is all about making it to Doe River Gorge Camp in Johnson City, Tennessee...Are you excited?
This year we have 33 persons sign up for camp. Unfortunately, only 25 will be able to go, so I will pass around the sign in sheet on Sunday so we can narrow down to people who are definitely on the look out :)

Those of you who already been, what was your first impression of the camp? Do you remember?

Anyways, this Sunday we are hosting our first bake sale for the year! I really need your help to make it an awesome one!
I need you to bake something and also, if anyone could make up a sign saying: "Bakin' for Campin' :)"
I hope to see you all out there, come for 10:15 if you can!